
Welcome from the Chair

As the Chair of Trustees, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Kingstone Academy Trust's website. Our schools are part of a vibrant and inclusive community in which we are proud of our commitment to fostering a supportive and nurturing environment where every student can thrive. Our dedicated staff work tirelessly to ensure that each pupil receives a well-rounded education, preparing them for a successful future.

We value the importance of collaboration and community involvement in enhancing the educational journey. Our partnerships with parents, local organisations, and other schools are integral to achieving our shared goals and maintaining a high standard of education.

Thank you for visiting our website. We invite you to explore and discover more about the exciting opportunities and programs we offer. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our trust, please do not hesitate to contact us.

James Wright

Chair of Trustees



Members are appointed to make sure that the Trust is fulfilling its aims, following its vision and abiding by the law.

Our Members are:

Name Appointing Authority Term From
Steve Thomas Kingstone Academy Trust 14.12.20
Peter Metcalfe Kingstone Academy Trust 16.12.21
Alison Taylor Kingstone Academy Trust 16.12.21
James Hanks Kingstone Academy Trust  



The Board of Trustees is responsible for the oversight of the school and for determining the policies which govern the management of the school.

The Board of Trustees is made up of parents, teaching and non-teaching staff and members of the community with specific expertise to bring to the board.

Trustees sit on one of two committees which have an overview of the work of both schools. These committees are the Quality and Standards Committee, and Finance, Personnel and Audit Committee. New members are elected to the Board of Trustees at various points in the year when vacancies arise.   

Our Trustees are: 

Name Appointing Authority Term From Term to
Andrew Coates Kingstone Academy Trust 16.12.21 16.12.2025
Ian Davies Kingstone Academy Trust 23.03.23  
Maureen Douglas Kingstone Academy Trust 16.12.21 16.12.2025
Catriona Lambeth Kingstone Academy Trust 10.03.22 10.3.2026
Rachel Metcalfe Kingstone Academy Trust 23.03.23  
Deborah McCauley Kingstone Academy Trust 23.03.23  
James Wright Kingstone Academy Trust 16.12.21 16.12.2025


Chair of Trust Board: James Wright

Chief Executive Officer and Accounting Officer: Elissa Vigus

Declarations of Interest

The Clerk will hold and maintain a register of Trustees’ interests.

All Trustees are required to manually complete an entry in the Register of Interests on an annual basis. Trustees can add or remove interests from the Register during the year.

Trustees are required to declare any personal or financial interests that could be seen to have an impact upon the exercise of their role and responsibilities as a Trustee. Normally Trustees will declare, at the outset of a meeting, any potential conflicts arising from the planned business of that meeting.

If a matter emerges during the course of a meeting which relates directly to an item of business under consideration, then a Trustee should immediately declare an interest. 

The Board of Trustees can be contacted via: [email protected] The KAT Governance Structure and KAT Scheme of Delegation are to be found below.

Governance Structure

Scheme of Delegation